How to access your free NVivo, NVivo Transcription and Citavi Trial Licenses:
NB: If you have previously activated an NVivo, NVivo Transcription or Citavi trial license, you will not be able to activate another trial license of the same software.
Follow these steps, referring to the corresponding numbers on the pictures below for steps 3-9:
1. Create a myLumivero Account at this link
2. Sign into your myLumivero Portal here
3. In the left hand column, under "AVAILABLE PRODUCTS", select "NVivo"
4. Download NVivo and install it on your device
5. Enable your free trial
6. To enable your free NVivo Transcription Trial, click on "Transcription"
7. Click on "Enable Free Trial"
8. To enable your free Citavi Trial, in the left hand column, under "AVAILABLE PRODUCTS", select "Citavi"
9. Select "Start Windows Free Trial" or "Start Web Free Trial"