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NVivo Learning Resources

NVivo has a wealth of useful information in the following text- and video-based demonstrations, tutorial series, e-manuals and community forum. They will greatly assist you with familiarising yourself with the software’s interface, features, applications and best practices.


The following videos provide broad and in-depth overviews of NVivo

NVivo 3-Minute Demonstration

NVivo 60-Minute Demonstration 



NVivo Basics Video Tutorials
This introductory series is designed to get you working in NVivo as quickly as possible.

NVivo In-Depth Video Tutorials
These 35 videos will develop your NVivo skills further.



NVivo v15 (Windows Users)

NVivo v15 (Mac Users)

NVivo v14 (Windows Users)

NVivo v14 (Mac Users)



Ask questions and find answers here.

NVivo Video Demonstrations

For best viewing, press the the "F" key to maximize the video, and ensure the resolution (⚙) is set to HD.

NVivo 3-Minute Demonstration

NVivo 60-Minute Demonstration

NVivo Basics – Video Tutorials

For best viewing, press the the "F" key to maximize the video, and ensure the resolution (⚙) is set to HD.

01. What does NVivo do?

02. Importing data

03. Coding

04. Memos

05. Annotations

06. Cases

07. Case Classifications

08. Word frequency

09. Attribute chart

NVivo In-Depth – Video Tutorials

Note: For best viewing, press the the "F" key to maximize the video, and ensure the resolution (⚙) is set to HD.